AFCI Ministers

Al Whittinghill
Al was born in North Carolina and attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1970 where he received a B.A. in Political Science. Two years later he was converted to Christ and then called into the ministry of the Gospel. He received a Master of Divinity Degree and honorary Doctor of Divinity degree. His preaching ministry began while he was in seminary and the Lord blessed and used that to this day. For more than forty-five years, through the ministry of preaching and teaching, Al has been privileged to minister throughout the USA, Europe, India, Canada, Africa, Asia, Australia, the Pacific nations, and in countries behind the former Iron Curtain.

Dan Rudman
Dan is originally from Michigan and has been in full-time Christian service since 1985. He attended the International School of Theology in Southern California from 1992-1995 and received his Masters of Pastoral studies with an emphasis on church renewal and evangelism. Dan and Tina have had ministries of evangelism, discipleship, preaching and teaching in their primary residences of Michigan, California and Kansas.

Gary O’Malley
Gary O’Malley is a personal productivity specialist who has created and facilitated individual and team training programs at AT&T, BellSouth, Coca-Cola, Disney, International Paper, Kimberly Clark, Northeast Utilities and Southern Company. He has trained more than 200,000 people in over 800 organizations at business meetings and conventions in North America, Europe, and Africa since 1981. He has served on the Board of Directors for Ambassadors for Christ International for 12 years and is committed to helping people worldwide learn and live Christ.

Jay Orvis
Jay Orvis joined AFCI-USA in 1990 to serve along the East coast with US and local churches and minister to temporary resident internationals (students, businesspeople, professionals, diplomats, civil servants, immigrants and sometimes illegal aliens) among others. Some well received seminars include: Cross-cultural adjustment; Moral Failure and Success; Love, Courtship and Marriage; Muslim, Buddhist, or Hindu awareness; Ministry to Internationals; The life and teachings of Jesus; training for elders and deacons. Jay has lived in eleven countries, visited fifty-seven others, and since 1992 has ministered in Canada, Europe, Africa and Asia.

Mack Tomlinson
Mack is a native Texan, born and raised in the west Texas town of Clarendon, where he and his wife of 27 years. Linda, both grew up. He was converted to Christ at the age of 19 in the summer of 1973. He graduated from Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene, Texas in 1976, with a B.A. degree in Bible and English. He then did further graduate and continuing studies through Tel Aviv University in Israel and in Europe, and theological studies at Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas and Tyndale Theological Seminary in Fort Worth.
One of the great desires of his heart is to see believers equipped with the deep doctrinal truths of God’s Word, as well as stirred in heart and life to walk with God. Mack’s preaching focuses on the centrality of Christ, the purity of the gospel, the radical nature of true salvation, and all that it means to walk with and seek God.

Sam Pirrotta
Sam was born in west-central Minnesota. Sam attended North Dakota State University in Fargo, North Dakota and graduated in 2017 with a B.S. in zoology. After graduating, Sam interned with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) for one year where he met several ACFI ministers. In May 2021 Sam completed his Master of Divinity and is now working towards his PhD. He is now a full-time evangelist with AFCI.

N. Stan Hankins
N. Stan Hankins is a graduate of Asbury College and Asbury Theological Seminary. Stan served as a pastor of multi ethnic congregations in the Hawaiian Islands for fifteen years. Serving since 1996 as a full-time international evangelist, he regularly speaks at leadership training conferences, teaches at theological colleges, and preaches in various ministry settings and retreats. Ministering under the banner of Ambassadors For Christ International-USA, Stan has spoken across the United States and in thirty-five nations around the world.

Wallace Francis
Wallace Francis was born in Franklin, Louisiana and grew up there. After high school he attended college at University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff and received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1973. In that same year, he was drafted by the Buffalo Bills to play professional football. In 1975 he was traded to the Atlanta Falcons. In 1982, Wallace heard God’s call to ministry and he retired from football to attend Bible School in Greenville South Carolina. In 1985 he began the ministry Youth Outreach Unlimited with a focus to disciple youth in the Christian faith. Wallace joined Ambassadors for Christ International in 1990.

Michael Seehusen
The Seehusen family (Michael, his wife Jordan, son Taj, and daughter Tori) are serving the Lord as missionaries in Fiji. Michael is strengthening churches in Fiji and teaching alongside fellow AFCI staff Dr. Narayan Nair and Premend Choy at the College of Theology and Evangelism Fiji (also known as Fiji Bible College).
Michael is establishing a biblical counseling ministry in Fiji serving local churches and graduates from Fiji Bible College. In addition, the Seehusens have a desire to equip pastors and churches in the outer islands and throughout the South Pacific by providing training and resources.

Aaron Bolduc
Aaron and Emily were married in 2004 and have been serving the Lord together ever since. They faithfully served in the pastoral ministry for 15 years and have now accepted the call not to serve one single body of believers but the Church at large as evangelists, and missionaries. They have four children Alexis, Nehemiah, Annika, and Josiah. They are based in Hudsonville Michigan.

Southeast Asia
Dr. Joseph Tan
Joseph & Esther Tan came to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior from non-Christian backgrounds more than 45 years ago in their countries of Singapore and Indonesia respectively. They currently serve AFCI based in Singapore. They have the privilege to serve the Lord in full-time ministry for the last 38 years. The countries they cover include Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Japan, Taiwan, China and most of South East Asia.

Dr. Narayan Nair
In the mid ’60s, after hearing God’s call to ministry, Narayan Nair, his wife Savita, and two young children traveled to Australia so he could attend AFCI’s Illawarra Bible College. Narayan, who converted from Hinduism to Christianity, had a longtime dream to establish a similar college in his homeland of Fiji. This dream was conceived from a heartfelt desire to train and equip others to spread the Gospel throughout the thousands of South-Pacific islands. His dream came true in 1974 when The Fiji College of Theology and Evangelism (FCTE) opened. This fully accredited seminary has grown steadily each year. Today, Narayan’s original dream has provided training for more than 10,000 men and women in the name of the Lord. The outflow of FCTE students and their commitment to spread the Gospel in their homelands continue to impact large portions of this region.

Premend Choy
Thanking God for His constant care and protection upon their lives, Premend and his family have been in the U.S. for three years now. They moved from Fiji so that Premend can attend Seminary. Adjusting to the Californian lifestyle had been quite challenging and it seems that they are still adjusting. By God’s grace Premend has finished two years of graduate studies at The Masters Seminary. Apart from the rigorous academic training, the seminary puts careful attention into the cultivation of Christian character qualities and living skills. Premend believes this is preparing him for godly living, for leadership in ministry, and for effective involvement in serving others. The Choys are planning to return to Fiji after completing this training.

John Stambaugh
John was born and raised in Kansas. He has worked for 10 years as a professional freelance videographer alongside his wife, Liz, who is a photographer. He completed his B.A. in Business Admin in 2018 and is currently pursuing his MTS at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. John’s ministry happens in a variety of contexts, both local and itinerant, and often happens along the way while he is “tent-making” within the world of creative arts professionals. He ministers through evangelism, discipleship with young men, leading Bible studies, and hosting a bi-annual men’s retreat called Pneuma Retreat.