Aaron Bolduc

The Ministry of Aaron and Emily Bolduc
Aaron and Emily were married in 2004 and have been serving the Lord together ever since. They faithfully served in the pastoral ministry for 15 years and have now accepted the call not to serve one single body of believers but the Church at large as evangelists, and missionaries. They have four children Alexis, Nehemiah, Annika, and Josiah. They are based in Hudsonville, Michigan.
During Aaron’s ministry in the local Church, he was quickly identified to have strong evangelistic gifting. During his early years as a youth minister, God blessed their ministry with incredible growth, and they saw hundreds of students come to Christ, and many go into missions, pastoral ministry, and local church work. This opened doors for Aaron to become a national conference speaker. This gave him the opportunity to help Churches, training pastors in their evangelistic and outreach ministries.
Later Aaron went on to serve in other local Church contexts as a pastor, always leading the evangelistic charge. This opened his eyes to the desperate need for vocational evangelists to serve the local Church, through preaching, training, and mentoring pastors. It was during this time that Aaron was first introduced to college campus ministry. God opened many doors for Aaron to mentor and disciple young missionaries primarily from InterVarsity, and CRU. During this time Aaron began to develop training material, as it became evident that there was a lack of sound biblical evangelism taking place.
Today Aaron has found his ministry home with Ambassadors For Christ International. The vision of AFCI is Revival in the Church; Evangelism through the Church and training for the Church. This vision perfectly encapsulates the ministry the Bolduc’s are called to fulfill. To serve Christ as evangelistic missionaries, not apart from, but directly tied to the local Church. The Bolduc’s are committed to reaching the lost through evangelistic work in the community. Their desire is to strengthen local churches though preaching, teaching and training pastors, conduct evangelistic training for believers, and raise up the next generation of Biblical evangelists.