What Is The Gospel

What Is The Gospel

What is the Gospel? The Gospel is the power of God for salvation. The Gospel is a message of good news. The Gospel declares that Christ — God in the flesh — has lived a perfect life, died in the place of sinners, is resurrected, and offers eternal life...
God’s Wrath on Christ: A Good Friday Sermon

God’s Wrath on Christ: A Good Friday Sermon

On Good Friday, we contemplate the sufferings of Christ. Given that Christ’s physical sufferings were so great, many fail to realize that His spiritual sufferings were infinitely greater. More Sermons and Resources God’s Purpose for GovernmentIn this sermon, Sam...
Our Impossible Reconciliation

Our Impossible Reconciliation

God has reconciled to Himself a people who once hated Him. As Sam walks through Colossians 1:21-23 you will see four features of God’s glorious act of reconciliation. On paper, this reconciliation should be impossible, but God has done the impossible. More...
Our Greatest Purpose: Knowing God

Our Greatest Purpose: Knowing God

Message number one in a two-part series given at Athlete Winter Retreat (a college athlete Christian retreat for ND, MN, SD schools). Main point: Every person who has ever lived will know God in judgment or in salvation. We are created to know God personally and...
The Gospel

The Gospel

The Gospel Episode #1 is all about the Gospel. The Gospel is the central message of the Christian faith. It is the message that God uses to save humanity from their sin. More Preach and Persuade Podcasts Revival and the Second Great AwakeningIn this episode, we give...