When it comes to prayer so many share the same experience. Frustration! But it hasn’t always been that way. Remember? Upon conversion we were aware of the glory of prayer and its vital necessity. It was the very instinct of the new nature that Christ gave to us, like the cry of a newborn babe.
As we began to grow as Christians, our awareness of the need for prayer was heightened. There was so much to be prayed for! The demand was so great that a list soon became necessary. Then our questions became “Who are we to pray for? Where are we to start? When are we to find the time to pray for all of these things?”
Then we began to notice that, even though we failed to pray in a given area, God still blessed; He did not wait for us to pray. And, when we did take time to give Him instructions, He didn’t do what we prayed. What was going on? Slowly we became discouraged. Days would pass without deep prayer…then maybe even weeks. The priority of prayer had slipped. When we did pray it was more like presenting a shopping list to God or making a nice speech. Then, when trouble came along or we heard a convicting message on prayer, we found ourselves driven back to God in prayer. We made new promises and resolutions to become a person of prayer because we knew it was our duty to do so. But soon the same problems crushed us and robbed us of our vows and victory. A cycle developed: Dedication-determination-discouragement-discontinuance.
It seemed hopeless.
We took our place in the masses of frustrated, prayerless Christians. All along we knew we should be praying. We even told others they must pray. We kept up a weak effort to pray, but most of the time we walked around feeling guilty and hypocritical.
Have hope, Dear One! Our Lord wants to revitalize our concept of prayer. God wants us to discover personally the privilege and blessing of Spirit-led prayer. We can each have a life of prayer that is deep and meaningful. There is no reluctance on God’s part! He yearns for It. He wants His call to prayer to be a source of joy.
Will you confess to Him now that your desire is to enter into such a relationship with Him? Ask Him to transform your praying this month. Believe Him for a miracle!