Beholding the Beauty of Christ

Beholding the Beauty of Christ

Sam Pirrotta preaches Psalm 24 at Harvest Plains Church. He draws out the reality that mankind was made to behold the beauty and glory of God. Man was made to ascend the hill of the Lord and dwell in God’s presence. The question is: how can a sinful man see God in His...
The Twelve Apostles Examined

The Twelve Apostles Examined

In this sermon, Sam Pirrotta walks us through the twelve apostles’ various backgrounds, personalities, and responses to Jesus Christ. More Sermons and Resources Evangelism: The message and the motivationsEvangelism: The message and the motivations Evangelism is one of...
Prayer That Works

Prayer That Works

In this sermon, Sam Pirrotta preaches from Matthew 7:7-11. What does it mean that our Father in Heaven gives good gifts to those who ask, seek, and knock? Do we get whatever we want? What type of prayer does God answer? More Sermons and Resources God’s Purpose for...
The Triumph of Evangelism

The Triumph of Evangelism

What are the theological anchors that keep us courageous in evangelism? Why are we able to say that the act of evangelism is supremely glorying to God? How should we think about evangelism during uncertain times? Sam Pirrotta takes us into Paul’s incredible words of...