by admin | Jul 31, 2023 | Featured Podcast, Podcasts, Preach and Persuade, Sam Pirrotta
Local Church Leadership: Elders and Deacons What does the New Testament prescribe for local church leadership? Who are the officers of the local church? Is there a difference between the pastor, elder, and overseer? Should local churches have a plurality of elders?...
by admin | Jul 24, 2023 | Featured Podcast, Podcasts, Preach and Persuade, Sam Pirrotta
The Lord’s Supper What is the Lord’s Supper? What are the historic positions? How often should we celebrate supper? What does it mean to take the supper in an unworthy manner? Who should take the supper? Why are transubstantiation and consubstantiation...
by admin | Jul 17, 2023 | Featured Podcast, Podcasts, Preach and Persuade, Sam Pirrotta
The Ordinance of Baptism: A Biblical Defense for Credobaptism What are the New Covenant signs? What is a Baptist view of baptism? What does baptism represent? Why do we believe that paedobaptism is unbiblical? We answer all these questions in this episode as we...
by admin | Jul 10, 2023 | Featured Podcast, Podcasts, Preach and Persuade, Sam Pirrotta
A Biblical Case for Congregationalism Does the NT prescribe a specific type of church government structure? Who wields the keys of the kingdom? Do bishops or elders have authority over the church, or does the congregation have authority? In this episode, we will make...
by admin | Jul 3, 2023 | Featured Podcast, Podcasts, Preach and Persuade, Sam Pirrotta
Does God regulate how the Church is to worship Him? In this episode, we discuss the regulative principle versus the normative principle. God does regulate how He is to be worshiped when His people gather. We are not free to do whatever we want. Indeed, God created us...