The Prayer Meeting Part 1

The Prayer Meeting Part 1

Why bother coming to the prayer meeting? In the pecking order of many congregations, it is somewhere below the much-lamented evening service. In the priorities of too many Christians, it seems to have little value. It’s the one we can afford to miss. It’s the one to...
Prayer That Works

Prayer That Works

In this sermon, Sam Pirrotta preaches from Matthew 7:7-11. What does it mean that our Father in Heaven gives good gifts to those who ask, seek, and knock? Do we get whatever we want? What type of prayer does God answer? More Sermons and Resources God’s Purpose for...
Paul’s Prayer for God’s Will

Paul’s Prayer for God’s Will

Paul tells the Colossians how he prays for them. What we see is that Paul prays that they know God’s will so that they can do God’s will. Thus, our doing of God’s will rests on our knowledge of doctrine and theology. We must be people who know the...