by admin | Dec 2, 2023 | Dan Rudman, Sermons
1 Peter 3:13-15. Peter was addressing believers in a hostile environment. How were the early believers to live? We too live in a world of competing ideologies-worldviews. How shall we live? What is the ultimate “apologetic” defense for the believer? More Sermons and...
by admin | Oct 2, 2023 | Featured Podcast, Podcasts, Preach and Persuade, Sam Pirrotta
Open Air Evangelism and Initiative Evangelism at KU In this episode, we discuss our evangelistic experiences at KU in September of 2023. We regularly practice two types of evangelism: open-air dialogues where students initiate conversations with us and initiative...
by admin | Jun 23, 2020 | Featured Podcast, Podcasts, Preach and Persuade, Sam Pirrotta
An introduction on apologetics for evangelism What is apologetics? How are apologetics and evangelism related? Is the apologist an evangelist? Should all evangelists be apologists? There are many misconceptions about apologetics. Join in as we give a biblical...