The Bible Is A Record of Answered Prayer

The Bible Is A Record of Answered Prayer

Read James 5:16 and Acts 6:4. The Bible is a record of answered prayer. Throughout all of history and the Bible the people that have been mightily used by God were men and women of prayer. Prayer was the deep subterranean spring in their lives. It was the bedrock upon...
Entering a Life of True Prayer

Entering a Life of True Prayer

When it comes to prayer so many share the same experience. Frustration! But it hasn’t always been that way. Remember? Upon conversion we were aware of the glory of prayer and its vital necessity. It was the very instinct of the new nature that Christ gave to us,...
Our Gracious God Hears Our Prayers

Our Gracious God Hears Our Prayers

“O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come” (Psalm 65:2). Probably more books have been written on prayer than on anything else in the Christian experience. Yet most Christians still have great difficulty in this area. Why? Because our...
Praying For Revival And Mercy

Praying For Revival And Mercy

“Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not” (Jeremiah 33:3). In the years preceding the Civil War in America, the nation was rocked by many negative forces. Materialism, greed, and oppression filled...