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What Is The Gospel
What is the Gospel? The Gospel is the power of God for salvation. The Gospel is a message of good news. The Gospel declares that Christ -- God in the flesh -- has lived a perfect life, died in the place of sinners, is resurrected, and offers eternal life through repentance and faith. There is no other way by which man can be made right with God then through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Social Justice is Not Biblical Justice – Session #5
Session five of a five session class unpacking the social justice movement. In this class, Sam Pirrotta explains how the social justice movement has infiltrated and affected the Church and Christian institutions. In particular, Sam lists two institutions deeply affected by the social justice agenda: Cru and the SBC. Though there are countless examples, Cru and the SBC clearly display the destructive nature of the social justice ideology.
Social Justice is Not Biblical Justice – Session #4
Session four of a five session class unpacking the social justice movement. In this class, Sam Pirrotta explains the key tenets and ideological tools of the social justice movement. The ideas of Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, Anti-racism, White Fragility, and White Privilege are all defined and explained. The progenitors of these ideas are directly quoted and engaged.
Social Justice is Not Biblical Justice – Session #3
Session three of a five session class unpacking the social justice movement. In this class, Sam Pirrotta explains and unpacks the worldviews of Postmodernism and Marxism. These two worldviews serve as the bedrock for the Social Justice Movement. Though Postmodernism and Marxism are competing worldviews, they have been married in the minds of the social justice warriors. Specifically, the metaphysic and epistemology of postmodernism has been combined with the utilitarian ethic of marxism.
Social Justice is Not Biblical Justice – Session #2
Session two of a five session class unpacking the social justice movement. In this class, Sam Pirrotta explains the details of biblical justice. The Bible says that those who seek the Lord understand justice completely. The Bible is the sufficient determiner of what is just and unjust. Subsequent sessions will compare the social justice movement to the true definition of justice. Anything contrary to Scripture's formulation of justice is by definition injustice.
Social Justice is Not Biblical Justice – Session #1
Session one of a five session class unpacking the social justice movement. In this class, Sam Pirrotta explains the basics of worldview and Christian theology. In order to determine if the social justice movement is unbiblical, the Christian needs to understand what is biblical. Future sessions will compare the social justice ideology to the biblical standard.
The Cosmic Conflict and Our Responsibility as Men
The Cosmic Conflict and Our Responsibility as Men Are we in the middle of a conflict with the spiritual forces of evil? Are there demons working actively against the truth and the kingdom of God? What is our responsibility in this spiritual war? How do we fight and...
Biblical Manhood and the Example of David
Biblical Manhood and the Example of David What does true manhood look like? What things should a young man pursue in his life? What place do physical strength and fighting ability have in defining manhood? How important is physical appearance? King David serves as...
The Future of Israel as Considered Theologically and Biblically
The Future of Israel as Considered Theologically and Biblically Is there a future for the nation of Israel? Are Jews still considered God's people? What is the relationship between Israel and the Church? What are the different positions regarding Romans 11:26? Is...
Sons of Worthlessness versus True Manhood
Sons of Worthlessness versus True Manhood In this episode, we discuss what a true man is by contrasting true manhood with the sons of worthlessness. Throughout the Old Testament, especially in the book of 1 Samuel, a recurring title shows up -- son of...