Christopher Mohan
Personal Background
Th. B., B.D., Th.M., M. Min., (Th.D)
As a young man Christopher Mohan planned to pursue engineering as a career, but the Lord had other plans! In 1966, during one of the evangelistic meetings in his native South India, Christopher was saved and called to ministry. From then on his life took a new and adventurous turn. After several years of training for the ministry, Christopher had a short stint at teaching at a seminary and was offered a permanent teaching position in another seminary. But his heart was primarily in the area of evangelistic preaching ministry. He was led to Ambassadors for Christ International and has been associated with the AFCI ministry since 1977.
Christopher has served in the capacities of a Staff Evangelist, National Director, Regional Coordinator for Central Asia and Vice Chairman for the International Board during the last three decades with Ambassadors for Christ International. After “passing the baton” in his many leadership roles, Christopher now focuses on a ministry of preaching and teaching across all denominational barriers as he has been doing for the last 35-plus years, with a view to leading people to Christ and teaching them toward spiritual maturity. His strategy is to “infiltrate” pulpits with Christ-centric and biblically sound teaching with an emphasis on the missionary challenge.
His ministry includes helping missionary organizations with training their missionaries for the field, mentoring younger and aspiring evangelists and missionaries, personal counseling, family seminars, preaching at university student outreach and discipleship programs, and writing study and guidance material relating to the ministry.
Rev. Christopher and Rita Mohan have been married for 33 years. Rita has been the “backbone” of Christopher’s ministry life. Together they have a 31 year old son Bryan who is married to Carol. They both are presently involved in professional journalism.