Worship is an ascription of worth to one who is worthy. In scripture the word for worship carries with it the idea of doing reverence and homage by prostration. This is the very activity of heaven as they behold the enthroned Lamb of God! In heaven the cry is, “Thou art worthy!” (Revelation 4:11). As stated before, seven times in the book of the Revelation we read that those around the Throne of Jesus Christ “fell on their faces and worshipped!” There is an abandonment of their entire being as they revere, praise and adore our God.

The Word became flesh, and wise men travelled to Bethlehem “to worship Him.” They found the Son of God lying in a manger. Surely such humble surroundings would have disguised His glory. But they, didn’t; Matthew 2:11 says that they “fell down, and worshipped him.” Those wise men joined the eternal host in real worship in that moment.

We have the same privilege every day in prayer. This may seem a bit excessive to us who live in a day of religious respectability and refined cultural belief, but that only reveals how far we have strayed from the heavenly standard. Remember the precious woman who washed “his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment” (Luke 7:38)? Is such worship rare? What is the answer of your own heart? What is the answer of your local church?

Worship is simple but costly. It makes the greatest demands upon a man, because true worship always changes the one who worships. Sacrifice is always involved. God is looking for those who will worship Him in Spirit and Truth. True Worship leaves the incense of heaven on our robes, and like Moses, the skin of our face will be radiant with His glory.

Oh Dear Friends, have we lost the sense of the majesty of the Lord our God? Breathless adoration in His presence is a rare jewel in the church. One old saint remarked, “One of the sad evidences of the backslidden condition of the church is that it has lost the ‘Oh’ from its prayers.” Beware of spiritual arthritis: stiff-kneed, stiff-necked.

There is a great familiarity with the things of God. Many flock to hear a message about God. We have learned the lingo and the liturgy. The real question is, “Is there any heart in it?” Too many of our services are more toe-tapping than heart-moving. It is very possible to cultivate the “my pal Jesus attitude” while living totally apart from His Lordship.

Remember, it was with a kiss that Jesus Christ was betrayed, not a slap! Too many are trying to get by with a token kiss on Sunday morning. (See Proverbs 27:6). He wants more than our lips; He wants our embrace, a heart adoration. True worship involves all of a man; it captures the whole citadel of his life. But it begins in the heart! Would you describe your worship as one of the head, hand or heart? It must begin in our heart, capture the head, and totally alter the hand. As you pray today, get alone and fall down on your face. Join the eternal host in worship and be a wise man.