This year will end with a world in turmoil and sudden destruction possible in many places – yes, already even happening today in places around the globe. But Peter tells us of a coming catastrophe that sounds like an atomic holocaust. How up-to-date! —“the elements shall melt with fervent heat …”
(1 Peter 3:10)
But the Christian is looking now, not just for a new year, but for a new age – “a new heavens and earth, where righteousness dwells.” Seeing then that all these things should be dissolved, what manner of persons are we to be—“diligent, that you may be found in Him in peace, without spot and blameless.” (3:11-14)
So while the world drinks and parties into the new year, only to spend the next day hung over, exhausted, and not really satisfied, let the Christian meet the new year on his knees with a hallelujah!
– Vance Havner
For the lover and follower of the Lord Jesus, the new year’s heartcry is, “Take my life and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.”
Or in the words of Keith Green,
“Make my life a prayer to You,
I wanna do what You want me to;
No empty words and no white lies,
No token prayers, no compromise.”